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Hemp Pain Relief CreamUpdated 2 years ago

What does a Hemp Pain Relief Cream do?

  • The all-natural and vegan Kenko Back pain relief cream helps ease most types of discomfort. Created with a carefully formulated herbal blend with high-grade hemp oil, turmeric, menthol, and aloe vera. It's the perfect solution to feel comfortable and relieved all day and night!
    • What are the Benefits?

      • Reduces Inflammation
      • Eases Soreness
      • Strains & sprains
      • Immediate Relief

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there THC in this product?

    • This is NOT CBD and does NOT have THC. This product is made from the seeds of a hemp plant. It is sold as a nutritional supplement because it has Omega 3, Omega 6, antioxidants, and other vitamins and minerals in it. CBD is extracted from the stalk, leaves, and flowers of the plant. The seeds are used as a carrier (liquid) - other carriers include MCT oil, avocado oil, and others.

  • Can a heating pad be used in conjunction with the cream?

    •  Yes! There is a little tingling, but not the hot feeling you get from some other products. use heat You can use it on a lower setting because the cream helps absorb the heat. 

  • How often can I use it?

    • You can use it up to 4 times a day

  • How does it work for hands?

    • Kenko Back Pain Relief Cream works on everything. It can be used on hands, elbows, and shoulders.
  • Is there Menthol in this product?

    • Yes, it has menthol but it does not burn or have a smell. It's blended with other ingredients. 
  • Does this have a scent?

    • The scent is very light, and not offensive at all. 
  • What if it doesn't work for me?

    • Our pain relief cream comes with a 60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee. We're incredibly confident that you'll get relief from your pain, and muscular soreness, but if you don't, please contact [email protected] within 60 days of receiving the product.
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